Join the chicken, rice and broccoli (CRB) crew! More people than you would imagine live on a staple diet of chicken, broccoli and rice, me included. In today’s blog, then, we’re taking a look at why the CRB combination is so popular, and the best methods for cooking this famous combo.


Dr. Broccoli

Broccoli – what can we say, it is the super food of the tree-shaped vegetable world (admittedly a niche market, but still!). Whether you’re looking to lose weight, gain muscle or simply improve your health, broccoli is the perfect vegetable. It is an excellent source of dietary fibre, which makes it one of very few foods that actually help you to stay lean. Research has even suggested that you burn almost as many calories breaking down the broccoli through your body’s metabolic process as you will gain in calories by eating it!


Now onto the rice, which as far as fast acting energy food goes, is probably one of the best! Rice is also extremely filling, making it a good protein and carbohydrate supplement for those looking to trim down. If you’re looking to really make an impact, though, jump aboard the brown-rice train! Brown rice has been shown to be one of the healthiest options when it comes to grain foods, and all food sources in general.

brown rice


My favourite food of all time? Chicken! People ask me “Don’t you get bored?” but the answer is always no! Chicken can be cooked and prepared in so many different ways, so it’s nigh impossible to tire of it. Unless you’re a vegan, of course, then it’s understandable. High in protein and a brilliant source of minerals, it even helps to prevent cancer. Chicken is also relatively cheap to buy in bulk for those looking to meal prep on a large-scale, and can be found almost everywhere in the world.

Don’t just take my word for it!

To all the guy gym-goers out there, look up Calum Von Moger. He’s basically the modern day Arnold Schwarzenegger and was the youngest ever Mr Universe at just 25 years old. He almost lives exclusively on a diet of broccoli, chicken and rice, and it’s clearly working wonders! If it’s good enough for him, it certainly is for us mere mortals.

Cooking with CRB

When it comes to cooking your CRB, the world is your oyster! There are literally hundreds of ways to make your CRB and I will now tell you about my three favorite methods! First up, the classic simple combination, nothing fancy, just throw your broccoli, rice and chicken into a Tupperware and you’re done! When I have more time on my hands, I love to make a quick stir fry, using only coconut oil and a few seasonings – this is a great way to spice up your CRB dish. Finally, if I’m feeling really fancy, I will cook a chicken, rice and broccoli casserole!


There you have it, the world of chicken, rice and broccoli! I could go on about it for hours, but I wouldn’t want to bore you – you get the point. Let us know if you guys agree, have any more recipe ideas or have any other staple foods you like to rely on!

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