This is a big question with numerous answers that we will do our best to answer! There are some great benefits of listening to music while running, however they also come with disadvantages and even dangers. Let’s have a look!


Listening to music whilst running or doing any exercise can be a brilliant way to zone out of everyday life and fully focus on the task at hand. There are even now specialist playlists designed to aid concentration and deepen focus (check them out on Spotify!). A lot of people even struggle to run without music, as they will get bored without it – it can often act as a sort of companion, if running alone. And don’t worry – we think there’s absolutely nothing wrong with screaming out your favorite song when it comes on. After all, you do it in the shower, so why not?


It’s not hard to imagine this scenario: you’re running along, you only have a few miles remaining, but your energy levels are starting to drain… thankfully, though your favourite song comes on and gives you a burst of extra energy! Now, I don’t know the actual reason, but trust me when I say this: it works! Try it out and let us know what your motivational tracks are – I personally recommend using apps such as Nike Running that will automatically play a motivational song when your speed starts to drop.  Pretty cool, right?


run 1

Running with music can be a huge distraction when trying to maintain a specific pace and rhythm. And of course, a lot of people will see that as the main point – you want to be distracted from everything and just focus on you and your running. But studies have shown that listening to loud music makes it harder to concentrate on speed, rhythm and breathing. More importantly though, having your headphones in will distract you from your surroundings, making your run dangerous, especially late at night or near busy roads. This leads perfectly onto the next topic, it can be dangerous!


Running near or on roads, you are at a significant risk if you can’t hear oncoming vehicles and traffic. This is the same for not being able to hear your surroundings – it is vitally important to hear what and who is near you! When running at night, too, you must always be observant of where you are and who is around. Don’t take the risk when running in certain circumstances, either put only one earphone in or don’t put any in at all.

My personal choice

When running by myself, I will always run with one headphone in. This allows me to enjoy my music and takes some of the stress away from the run. More importantly, it means I am aware of what is happening around me, I can hear cars and be aware of other people. When I am running with friends or in a group, I won’t listen to music as I enjoy the social aspect this provides, and it allows me to motivate others whilst being motivated myself.


At the end of the day, do what you want to do, but always be aware of the dangers associated with it! I’ll leave you with this though, watch a marathon or a competitive distance race, and then come back and tell me how many of them are running with headphones or listening to music…

For more information and tips on running, check out these related blogs!

Running World

Top Tips For Running In The Rain!

Student to Marathon Runner!


Sources/ reference/media