Whether you love the cold or not, it is vital to make sure you’re prepared when running in it. In this blog, we share our top tips for running in colder weather.  Let’s go!

Dress for the occasion

“Dress like an onion.” That’s what Jackie Newton, ex-international marathon runner says – wearing many layers (like an onion), is much more beneficial than one big layer. But stick to two main layers: your under layer and your outer layer – simple! Your under layer should be a proper running top. The tops made from microfibre polyester are often the best, as they will draw sweat away from the body, keeping you warm. The outer layer will depend on the weather, i.e. rain, sun or snow. I will often wear a fleece, or a rain jacket, and just tie it around my waist if I get too hot.

Get motivated!

My personal top tip is to find a running partner during the cold months, as it is by far the easiest way to motivate yourself. Having a running partner will stop you getting bored on your route, but alternatively, changing up your route can also help. Once you’re motivated to get out there, running at night in the snow can be one of the most peaceful experiences – it doesn’t always have to be a struggle!


READ MORE: Our Top 5 Tips For Running In The Heat

Be seen!

The cold and winter months often come with lower light and visibility, especially in the snow. It is extremely important to remain visible – we recommend using fluorescent clothing, or buying reflective jackets and bands.

Warm up first!

A good warm up is essential to avoid injury, especially in the cold, as it will take your muscles longer to warm up. We recommend stretching, but do moving stretches, such as walking lunges, otherwise you risk your body cooling down again.

Take all of this into account and you should be good to go! Wrap up, take a mate, warm up and be seen! If you have any bits of advice and anything you would like to add to our list, please comment and let us know!

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