These five exercises will burn more calories than running, and you won’t believe how easy they are to do! Let’s take a look.


Rowing is an optimal all-body work out as you have to use your legs, shoulders, arms and back to get the perfect rowing form. Using all these muscle groups in unison contributes greatly to the high level of calorie burning.  A recent Harvard study showed that you can burn around 12 calories a minute, and someone weighing 195 pounds can burn 400 calories in a high paced 30 minute workout.

Battle Ropes

Battle ropes (commonly used in CrossFit style workouts) are an ideal exercise for people who want to burn belly fat and keep a flat or ripped stomach. Studies have shown that battle rope exercises have the highest level of oxygen intake when compared against running and skipping. The increased oxygen consumption helps to strengthen the core and stomach muscles. A study carried about by the College of New Jersey showed that battle rope exercises can burn around 10 calories per minute.

Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell swings can burn over 20 calories a minute! Researchers at the University of Wisconsin showed that this explosive workout technique works the glutes and quads into overdrive and sends your heart racing. This workout is so effective because it’s a movement your body is not used to preforming, but unless your form is good, it can be taxing and damaging to your body. Make sure to get it right!

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Skipping for 10 minutes is the equivalent of running an eight minute mile – not bad! However, according to the British Skipping Association, 10 minutes of skipping is as beneficial as a 45 minute run. They also state that 1 hour of skipping can burn up to 1300 calories – that is 21.6 calories a minute! That would arguably make it the most effective exercise we have looked at.


Apart from running, swimming is my personal choice for intense cardio, just because it’s fun! Swimming massively improves your breathing and lung capacity, which becomes beneficial to all other workouts and your general health. The fact that, like rowing, it’s an all-body workout helps to make this a great option for burning calories. And because water is 12 times denser than air, swimming is a far better method for toning muscle than any other activity that you can do on land. Cool, right?

There you have it, running isn’t the only way to burn some calories during your next workout. Give these five a try and let us know how you get on! And remember… sweat is just fat crying!

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