Squatting is one of the most primal movements known to man – our ancestors having been doing it for years (and don’t forget the fact will all spent the first 40 weeks of our lives in the fetal position)! In this blog, we take a look at why we should all squat and how it benefits the body.

All-round body workout

Both body weight and weighted squats are a brilliant all-body work out, and will develop muscles all kinds of muscles! It especially focuses on your core strength and your backside, working all elements of your legs and encouraging an anabolic environment which helps body-wide muscle development and building.  Squats are also known to release testosterone and growth hormones into the body, which will help for gaining muscle mass in all areas of the body.

Burns fat

It’s very simple really – gaining more muscle helps you burn more fat! Studies have shown that for every additional pound of muscle on your body, you will burn up to 60 calories more each day. You can do your own maths, but even gaining 5 pounds of muscle can help you burn an extra 300 calories a day!


Squats are renowned for strengthening your leg muscles and your core strength. Increasing your core and leg strength will help massively increase your stability and balance.

guy squatting

Toning your body

“Real men train the booty” is a favourite saying of mine from Calum Von Moger. He states that often training your legs and backside can been seen as a feminine exercise, but the benefits it provides are unmatched and should be done by everyone! Squatting works so many muscles it is perfect for toning all over your body, with the added benefit of giving you a pretty peachy butt!

Improve sports performance

Squatting improves your core and leg strength, which are great for improving your sporting performance. Strong legs allow you to run faster and jump higher, too – what’s not to love!

We can’t stress enough how important squatting and other compound movements are! Whether you’re wanting to lose weight, gain muscle in your thighs and booty, or just improve your fitness, squatting is a must. Get in tough and let us know your squatting techniques and the benefits it has had to your fitness.

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