Let’s be honest, batman is massive! From his chest to his mansion, everything is big in Batman’s world. Back in the days of Christian Bale, he would get into incredible shape for the movies, and in this blog we will show you the technique he used to tone his chest! 


Christian Bale revealed in an interview whilst promoting the final instalment of the trilogy how he gained extra width and definition on his chest. Now everyone wants to gain width and definition on their chests, but it’s harder than it looks! He told reporters how he would do a push up routine; he named ‘The Batman’. It is very simple to master and has unbelievable results if you stick with it! 

Below we have explained the three different push up styles you need to learn, then after that we have explained how to combine them all into a chest shredding workout! 


 Wide (Step 1)

 First up we have the wide push up, very simply what it says on the tin, it’s a wide push up! Your hands should be at least 6-8 inches further apart than your shoulder width as can be seen in the image below. Then proceed like any normal press-up, making sure to get your chest as close to the ground as possible. 

Normal (Step 2)

Next up in the routine is your standard push up which I’m sure most of you will know how to-do, but I’ll explain it anyway. Your hands should be roughly shoulder width apart, and for the purpose of this workout, you can flare your elbows out slightly. Lots of people will recommend keeping your elbows tight to your body, which is great for also developing your triceps, however for the purpose of this workout; we want to put as much focus as possible on the chest. See you image below for more help. 


 Narrow (Step 3)

 Last but not least we have the narrow push up, also commonly known as a diamond push up, and I’ll explain why in a moment. Your hands should be almost touching in the middle, a lot narrower than your shoulder width. If you put your thumb and fingers out you should be able to form a diamond shape, hence the name. This will put a lot more pressure on your arms and triceps, but this is one of the essential elements of workout. 

 The workout 

 15 x    Wide Push Ups

 15 x    Normal Push Ups

 15 x    Narrow Push Ups

 Repeat 4-6 times, or until failure

 Hopefully this makes sense, if not drop us a message and we can help you out! 

 Top tips 

  •  When doing press ups keep your back straight and keep your bum in the air. 
  •  If training with a partner, make them put a closed fist under your chest, then make sure to hit that during every rep. This will ensure you are going deep enough, putting more strain on the muscles, basically turning you into batman. 
  •  If at any point during the routine you are struggling, drop to your knees and complete the set. This is not as effective, but is much better than stopping mid set or workout. 

 You see it’s very simple really! Let’s be honest, Ben Affleck wasn’t great as batman, so get busy with this workout and you could be next! Under one condition though, you must put the Haffy Fitness logo on the side of Wayne Manor. Let us know how you get on! 

 Like what you see? Comment, like and share below! 

 Check out these related blogs 

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Sources / reference/ media  


